Lifecast's Volurama Sends Volumetric Video to LeiaSR™ Displays

It’s now a whole lot easier getting volumetric video exported to your LeiaSR™-powered device. In fact, we’re proud to announce that Lifecast has released a new tool you should check out: Volurama.
Volurama is purpose-built for creating stereoscopic animations from short videos captured with an iPhone (or any other phone — higher the resolution and wider the camera, the better)). Before diving-in further, let's quickly review what Volumetric Video is and why it looks so impressive on LeiaSR™-powered devices.
What is“Volurama?”
Volurama is short for "volumetric panorama." Clever, right? It's a technology built on NeRFs (Neural Radiance Fields). If a regular photo captures one slice of the light the camera sees, and a 3D photo captures two slices of the light the camera sees, then a Volurama captures millions of slices of light in a ton of different directions. This lets you capture a lot more information about a scene, which gives you many more options when you want to edit, render, or play it back…and this is where Lifecast’s Volurama app comes into play.
So long as you capture the initial video on your phone with the right settings, "3D photos and videos created with Volurama look amazing when viewed on Leia’s displays," according to Forrest Briggs, CEO of Lifecast.
How to Use Volurama and Create Videos
Briggs tells us that Volurama can potentially work with any type of input video, but for reliable results, he suggests using the widest FOV setting available on your phone’s camera. For best results, use a video that is about 5 to 30 seconds long. Move the camera around in a spiral, circle, or square pattern to get each part of the scene from several different points of view. You can capture in portrait or landscape view.
When you output that short video from your phone, the rest happens in Volurama. If you're curious, head over to the lifecast tutorial site that walks you through the whole prep process from start-to-finish so that you can get your video looking great on any LeiaSR-powered screen.
Being able to capture and then experience volumetric video that you can move around in—and then literally pops off your screen—is truly breathtaking. A huge thanks goes out to our friends at Lifecast for making this happen…and if you want to try Volurama out, head over to right now and see for yourself.